Vasif Mammadov
Safe Karabakh is a mobile app that will allow to people to stay away from mine-contaminated lands in Karabakh and bring peace to peoples' lives. After the victory of Azerbaijani forces in the latest war that lasted for 44 days, cleaning up the explosives and the mines it left behind will take years. Following the war between Armenians and Azerbaijanis in the 1990s, deminers spent decades and tens of millions of dollars clearing the former battleground of land mines and unexploded ordnance. Now, Azerbaijan has lebarated lands that have been mined for 30 years by Armenians and 600 000 refuges that are waiting to return back to their homes. Azerbaijani government is intended to return Karabakh citizens to their homes as soon as possible, but of course the major concern is the safety of these people. According to local media some 160 Azerbaijanis have been killed or injured in the explosion of mines planted by Armenians in Azerbaijan’s formerly occupied regions since the end of the war in autumn 2020. This means there is still huge risk for the people returning back home. In order to help in solving this problem we offer "Safe Karabakh" mobile app that will alert people when they will get close to mine contamined areas, also the app will allow opportunity to take photos, record coordinates of unexploded ordinance which is not in the minefield. This information will be sent to relevant government agencies so that they can operatively decontaminate the ordinance. Relavant govenment agencies will be able to notify citizens about any dangers or alerts using "Safe Karabakh" platform. The main objective of the project is to keep safe the people living or visiting Karabakh.